Nathan Knowler

Maintaining a Brewfile in your dotfiles

The brew bundle command lets you work with a Brewfile. Without any additional subcommands (install is the implicit subcommand) it will attempt to install formulae, casks, Mac App Store apps, and whalebrew dependencies from a Brewfile in the current directory. This is useful in itself, especially if you need to install a system from scratch, however, if we dig deeper we will find some tools to help us maintain a global Brewfile for our macOS system.

brew bundle dump let's us dump the system's current installed packages into a Brewfile in the current working directory. If you add the --global flag, it dumps to a .Brewfile (note the preceeding dot) in your $HOME directory (i.e. $HOME/.Brewfile). This is great, but you’ll quickly notice on subsequent dumps, we get an error that the file already exists. To resolve this just add the --force flag. The full command now is like this:

brew bundle dump --global --force

If you want to be fancy you can also add the --describe flag and it will add a leading comment describing what the dependency is. I don’t feel that need for my own Brewfile.

One thing you will notice with this approach is that Homebrew becomes in charge of how the file is sorted. I know some people like to organize their own, however, if you want an easier time with version control, I recommend that you just let that go.

Now, remembering to dump this file is pain and there is no first-class way to do it. I do suggest implementing some sort of way to automatically dump it to keep the file up to date. For now, the best solution I have for this is the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Pass everything to brew
/usr/local/bin/brew "$@"

# Dump after install or upgrade
case "$1" in
  install | uninstall | upgrade) /usr/local/bin/brew bundle dump --global --force;;

This is sort of a proxy on top of the brew command which just dumps the file after installing, uninstalling, or upgrading dependencies. I store this as ~/.local/bin/brew which is a part of my $PATH.

On another note, I’d advise not spending any time worrying about the lock file that the bundle feature provides, as it seems to set the installed version of previously installed dependencies to null on subsequent dumps which doesn’t make sense. Maybe I’m not understanding it. I’ll have to check it out more in the future.